
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Checking me reality

Most of my mathematical research has huge implications which makes checking me on it easy. Which may seem counter-intuitive, so thought would talk a bit about how that works.

Better math should have clear indicators.

1. There should be things never before doable from it which we can now do--as a species.

Mathematical advance MUST mean humanity can now do more. That means you can check me on things human beings just could not do before something of mine came along.

2. In general, people tend to use things that are useful and to move to things more useful than prior.

So yeah is just common sense that if there ARE better mathematical tools then people will go for them. That is not hard to find if is happening.

3. Human emotion is telling by behavior.

Which is something I quietly check routinely. And it is just human emotional reality--why put your efforts in an area where you know you will NOT get a benefit?

With plenty of things now doable that were not, am hesitant in laying out things in THIS post I think are cool. Is not really about my opinion. Human interest of others is more interesting I think with regard to certain things. The math does not care, but people may.

Checking how people react? Why not? Some people may over-estimate their ability to hide their emotions. To me is kind of funny.

Where started checking in that way years ago. Web makes it easy.

So yeah, I have discovered things that allow the human species to do things it could not do before. Have looked at indicators showing global interest and also global use, because there are things that can now be done easily which were either difficult, or impossible before.

And have noted human emotional reality by doing some web searches on certain areas to try and get a handle on current research in number theory.

Is fun. Passes the time. Though admit for me also is kind of weird. People can be so wacky.

Math does not care. Mathematics tells the truth regardless of social consequence.

James Harris

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