
Thursday, January 04, 2018

Sharing knowledge is fun

Recently discovered could share to a math group on Reddit, which has been interesting. And experience with sharing there is also useful for talking trolls! To me, sharing something you think is interesting is not a big deal. However there can be people who get upset by it, or wish to exploit for attention to themselves, which interests me.

Here's a link to the discussion: Our species can miss obvious major math till we don't, but why?

Remarkably MOST of my comments have been suppressed. Check it out. Fascinating, eh? People there did it quite deliberately too.

SOME people seemed to be interested, but they were quickly drowned out by trolls. If you're curious about troll behavior, check out that link. Is on full display.

And word troll in web context comes from phrase--trolling for attention. Since they apparently lack ability to draw attention on substance, or are unwilling to rely upon,  they try to steal at the expense of others. People trolling for attention use a variety of trolling behaviors. Often they rely on insults of some kind. Hurting a target is a way to get a person to engage, which trolls seek to, yup, draw even more attention.

Well at least there WERE some people who seemed generally interested. Is very hard to contain trolls. They are the attention parasites of the web. Learned much though! Am glad found some place else to post math.

Reddit amuses me.

So what is the purpose in sharing?

Is interesting to me how often seems convoluted in our times.

Oh yeah, Reddit folks if see this message, feel free to comment here as well! Yes, I moderate here, but try my best to not interfere with opinions. As long as people are not just being rude or deliberately disruptive.

And yes, am aware someone on Reddit decided to insult me with a post saying is bad math. (If you didn't notice on bad math board, you didn't miss anything.) And use smears as evidence. No math presented, and no refutation of my math. Just insults. Some people feel ownership in areas where none exists.

Smart readers can check for themselves as to truth or gratuitous insult, but why? Is about THAT person, and not about me or my math actually.

Math does not need such emotion. People demonstrate that anger, with actions, like insults meant to hurt.

And see misinformation spread, like I do NOT work on Fermat's Last Theorem as asserted on the bad math board. Ancient history as DID work at long ago, with spectacular failures, but abandoned such efforts. Yet their system means my comments noting? Suppressed. So curious. Reddit seems to allow a massive amount of censorship. Let's see how well that works, eh? I find it challenging. Who wins this one.

Still has cool things. Like if you wish to see comments they hated so much? Here you go:

My Reddit comments

That is a great feature, can share your comments yourself! Suggest readers look around there. Reddit has made strides in trying to get to decent conversation, but as I observe am seeing that they STILL have people who lash out more than reason, and get away with it too.

Reddit does try I think. But is SO hard to keep humans from just being mean and nasty. I can see they have lots of problems in that area. But still at least they are trying, I think. Is a difficult problem.

Like how can link to things though so people can see for themselves. Like see what comments could supposedly be so horrible as to lower what they call karma. I think instead you will see inside of Reddit, like with an x-ray as to how things actually are. Fantasy is one thing, but facts rule.

Some people can earn attention, but others try to steal it.

Feel free to tell me YOUR opinion with a comment.

My guess though is that most will stick with where commenting is comfortable which is ok.

Obviously got a lot of response to this blog which is why am addressing with a post. Thanks Reddit! My goal is simply to share interesting math, because I like it.

Is fun to share.

Update Jan 10: Decided to do a follow-up posted yesterday to narrow to more useful discussion. No responses AT ALL. My conclusion is that Reddit focuses people on sharing to get attention. Which doesn't interest me. I think sharing should be to share useful information.

Link to discussion area: Overview on modular inverse

Am still looking with curiosity over what happens. It is possible my last posting was significantly--and invisibly to me as they seem to get a thrill out of that--censored by Reddit's systems. That is worth further investigation, in and of itself.

Obviously, I can work around such simple censorship by posting here, as long as Reddit doesn't start bocking that ability too! Is fascinating to me how much censorship ability is built into Reddit. Fascinating.

Well I don't blame them for that. You can get a lot of problems with hostiles. And was investigating as Reddit comes up a lot to see what progress they had made. My assessment so far?

They've simply employed a system of massive censorship capability with a chosen group who are the censoring agents, and congratulated themselves. Is not that easy though, as people abuse such power.

They need to study human history.

James Harris

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